U.S. 41/Cobb Parkway Improvements

Improving one of the nation’s busiest corridors

U.S. 41, known locally as Cobb Parkway, travels from Miami to Michigan, with a busy stretch in Cumberland, Cobb County’s central business and entertainment district. Originally constructed in 1935, Cobb Parkway was in need of improvement to accommodate higher traffic flows to help with the growth Cumberland had experienced.

The U.S. 41 Improvements were broken into two parts. 1) A bridge reconstruction over the Chattahoochee River. 2) A road widening from the CRNRA to Akers Mill Road. The $53 million project was completed in 2017. 

Benefits of the Improvements

U.S. 41/Cobb Parkway is a critical connection between the City of Atlanta and Cobb County. Reconstructing the bridge and constructing the one-mile road widening was a regionally significant project.

The project resulted in multiple long-term benefits for the area including safer traffic flow, greater capacity, and improved connectivity between Cobb and Fulton counties.

Six Lane

The improvements included widening the road to three lanes in each direction, plus additional turn lanes and medians. Overall through Cumberland, Cobb Parkway is a six-lane highway.


At the time construction started, about 36,000 vehicles crossed the the bridge per day and this number is expected to reach 50,000 by 2032.


The project included a 12-foot-wide multi-use trail throughout the corridor, bridging the regional trail connections between communities west of Cobb County as well as the City of Atlanta.

U.S. 41/Cobb Parkway Ribbon Cutting

The Cumberland CID, Cobb County, and the Georgia Department of Transportation held a ribbon cutting for the U.S. 41/Cobb Parkway Improvements. U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson was the keynote speaker. View highlights from the ribbon cutting by clicking on the video. 



Construction for the bridge began.


Construction for the road widening began.


Construction for the bridge was completed.


Construction for the road widening was completed.

March 2012: Groundbreaking of the bridge portion of U.S. 41/Cobb Parkway Improvements

Project Location

The U.S. 41/Cobb Parkway Improvements was a partnership between the Cumberland CID, Cobb County, GDOT, and the U.S. DOT. The red line in the illustration shows the portion of Cobb Parkway that was part of the project. 

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