Placemaking & Beautification

Adding character to Cumberland

Over the past decade, Cumberland has evolved from a nine-to-five business center into a bustling community and entertainment district. Evidence comes from the CCID’s recent Economic Impact Analysis, which showed the District’s population growing two percent annually which is faster than the Atlanta region as a whole.

The growth, development, and investments made by the Cumberland CID has has transformed Cumberland into a ‘place’ where people want to live, work, and visit. 

Placemaking and beautification are a large part of the Cumberland CID’s investment. This investment adds value to the District and elevates the community and the Cumberland CID’s projects. 

Gateway Enhancements

One of the most significant investments of the Cumberland CID has been the area’s gateway enhancements. Cumberland currently has six monuments installed throughout the area, five vertical and one horizontal. These are critical to showcasing the boundary of Cumberland and its assets. 

The Cumberland CID commits almost $1 million annually to its landscaping program. The goal is to take continuing care of landscaping need in the District.

Beautification & Landscaping

Beautification and landscaping of nearly 20 miles of roadway.

Priority areas are a priority for beautification and landscaping care. These areas include “gateways” into the District, interchanges, and roadways with traffic counts of more than 10,000 vehicles per day.

The landscape program has a major focus on the removal of trash and litter on an annual basis.  Areas include medians in high-traffic areas, and designated areas of the I-75/I-285 Clover Leaf and the CRNRA’s Paces Mill/Palisades Unit entrance.

Placemaking and Wayfinding

Placemaking and wayfinding give the community a sense of place and have been shown to help people feel safe. More than two decades ago, the Cumberland CID introduced a $7 million lighting investment by installing nearly 1,000 decorative streetlights and mast arms, as well as pedestrian light poles with banners along major corridors. 

The “This is Cumberland” banner theme has six designs that are alternated throughout the District. One example is pictured here.

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