
Finance Director Bill Volckmann and Atlanta Braves’ Mike Plant presented to Cobb’s Board of Commissioners the annual update on Truist Park and the economic impact surrounding the stadium and The Battery Atlanta.

Annual Financial Update on Braves Stadium Read More »

Bike Share Launch Recap Video

The Cumberland CID launched a new bike share station at the Galleria Gardens last week. The station will become the 7th bike station in the Cumberland Bike Share.

Bike Share Launch Recap Video Read More »

Cumberland CID Project Updates

The Akers Mill Ramp

The Akers Mill Ramp is slated to begin construction later this year. With the funding for the $44.2 million project complete, the ramp will finish the I-75 NW Express Lanes, one of the most successful infrastructure projects in Georgia’s history. The ramp is scheduled to be open to the public in 2023 providing direct, safe access for more than 100,000 daily commuters.

Pictured above: Akers Mill Ramp

Cumberland Multi-Modal Path

A path connecting the community to Cumberland’s rich assets is underway.  The Cumberland Multi-Modal Path, a 3-mile path that will be Cobb’s version of the Atlanta Beltline. The $25 million path will connect to unrivaled cultural, retail, natural, hospitality, and performance venues in ways that exponentially increase the human experience and financial value of the district. The goal is to improve connectivity throughout the core of the district offering pedestrians and cyclists enhanced mobility options with the ultimate goal of adding an autonomous shuttle making travel even easier around the district. The path also will help build additional character in Cumberland increasing enjoyment for those that work, live and visit.

Pictured above: Renderings of the Cumberland Multi-modal Path

Paces Mill/Palisades Rehabilitation

A project that started in 2017 and gained momentum in 2020 is the Paces Mill/Palisades Rehabilitation. In July 2020, the Cumberland CID reached a key milestone in plans to help rehabilitate the Paces Mill/Palisades Unit of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area (CRNRA) by receiving project approval from the National Park Service. Built in the 1970s, the park unit is a popular destination for people participating in recreational boating, fishing, picnicking, jogging, biking and walking activities.

The total $14 million renovation will feature the following at the Paces Mill/Palisades Unit:

  • A more national park-like visitor experience that realigns the entrance road and repositions the central open meadow and the main parking area.
  • Improved vehicular circulation at both boat ramps allowing cars and trucks with boat trailers to circulate more easily.
  • Increased river access with new river-viewing platforms and a wide set of river steps.
  • An enhanced and expanded picnic area.
  • Upgrades to the existing trail system to minimize conflicts with vehicular traffic inside the park.
  • A series of bioswales to filter stormwater runoff before it enters the river.
  • A new, expanded visitor contact station.

The Paces Mill/Palisades Rehabilitation is scheduled for construction in 2023.

Paces Mill/Palisades Rehabilitation Continued:

The Visitor Contact Station will sit in the center of the Park and is proposed as a cluster of three structures:

  • An open-air pavilion that functions as a central gathering space with information and interpretative signage about the NRA and the connecting Cumberland CID trails.
  • The other two buildings will provide individual restroom and changing room facilities.

The architecture is contemporary with a National Park Service style and feel. Made of durable materials, it will be long lasting and easily maintained.

Pictured above: Rendering for the Visitor Contact Station

River Overlooks / River Steps

Pictured above: Examples for Paces Mill/Palisades Rehabilitation.

Bob Callan Trail

The Cumberland CID continues to invest in the Cumberland Trail Network. Altogether, Cumberland’s Trail Network is part of a 60-mile network of completed or planned trails. In 2019, the Cumberland CID opened a 1-mile extension of the Bob Callan Trail. Today, the Cumberland CID and Cobb County are working to extend the Bob Callan Trail again. From its northernmost access point at Interstate North Parkway to Windy Hill Road with a new trailhead proposed at Windy Hill Road (see renderings). Cobb County’s Windy Hill/Terrell Mill Connector at Bentley Road project to the north will connect seamlessly into the Bob Callan Trail once both are complete.  Construction for the extension of the Bob Callan Trail and Trailhead are scheduled for late 2022 with an estimated investment of $3.2 million.

Pictured above: Renderings for the new Bob Callan Trailhead

Cumberland Trails

The Cumberland CID launched a new website ( dedicated to the Cumberland Trail Network. The purpose of the website is to provide the public with information on where and how to access Cumberland’s trails. Created with the user experience in mind, the site includes many features to help users quickly and easily find information about Cumberland’s trails.

The following features are included for each trail:

  • A custom Google map for navigation
  • A downloadable map to print for navigation
  • Mileage information
  • Parking information for each trail

The Cumberland Trails Network contains over 38 miles of trails and connects visitors and residents to Cumberland’s vibrant core area, including The Battery Atlanta, Truist Park, Cobb Galleria Centre, Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre and more.

Cumberland Bike Share

The Cumberland and Town Center CIDs were excited to announce new bike share programs in partnership with Tandem Mobility last year. The CIDs’ previous bike share provider shuttered operations in May. Before May, the Cumberland Bike Share had nearly 2,700 users enjoying 6,000 trips in Cumberland alone.

The new program offers technology that improves the user experience for renters. Bike share members can rent and return a bike from either program’s stations. The previous system allowed riders to rent and return bikes to only one program’s stations. Now, riders can use the programs interchangeably, with access to 80 bikes at 12 stations. Users of the new program ride for free for the first hour. After that, it is $3 per hour with a $24 per day maximum.

As spring and summer approach, the Cumberland CID expects more users to take advantage of this community investment as the Cumberland Bike Share helps make Cumberland more attractive, more accessible, and more connected.

The Cumberland and Town Center CIDs look forward to releasing more announcements in the future regarding Cobb’s bike share programs. To find out more about station locations, visit Cumberland ( and Town Center’s bike share page ( To rent a bike, download the Movatic app on your smartphone and follow the registration guide.



Cumberland CID Project Updates Read More »

Q&A with Commissioner Bob Ott 



Commissioner Bob Ott talks about his tenure in office and the changes Cumberland has seen over the years.

Q&A with Commissioner Bob Ott Read More »

Q&A with President & CEO of The Braves Development Company Mike Plant

Watch President and CEO of The Braves Development Company, Mike Plant, talk about the Braves’ move to Cumberland and the success they have had since moving.

Q&A with President & CEO of The Braves Development Company Mike Plant Read More »

How To Support Tourism In the Wake of COVID-19 – By Holly Quinlan

As the official destination marketing organization for Cobb County, Cobb Travel & Tourism works every day to bring visitors to our community. Tourism impacts Cobb in ways that are undeniable, and as the leading industry in Cobb County, tourism has significant economic impact. But in the wake of COVID-19, the hospitality and tourism industry in Cobb and across the world has felt the detrimental impact of the global pandemic.

Holly Qinnlan

As we continue to navigate these unprecedented times and work towards recovery, supporting the hospitality and tourism industry plays a critical role.

Although things are not “business as usual”, there are still ways to support the hospitality and tourism industry from the comfort of home, outdoors, or in small groups. We encourage you to back Cobb’s local tourism in all of the following ways:

Order Delivery, Get It To-Go, or Dine-In

Local, chef-driven restaurants have been some of the hardest hit in the wake of COVID-19. While many restaurants are beginning to reopen with social distancing guidelines, most restaurants are still offering customers the option to grab their food to-go or get it delivered. Several restaurants are offering family-sized meals, picnic-style meals, and special deals for customers that choose to dine with them in any way

Go Virtual

From performances and tours to galleries and classes hosted by local non-profit arts and heritage organizations, there are endless ways to experience Cobb’s attractions from the comfort of home. Arts and culture organizations from around the county have found ways to bring their unique offerings directly to residents and visitors. Whether you’re a dancer, painter, singer, or theater buff, there’s a virtual experience that’s waiting for you.

Explore the Outdoors

Cobb County is home to many parks, trails, and outdoor recreation areas. Walking, hiking, and biking are great ways to get out of the house and make use of Cobb’s trail systems. Parks are perfect for picnics, giving your dog a new place to run around, or letting the kids toss a ball around in a different place. 

Buy Ahead

Supporting from a distance can be just as impactful as supporting in person! Gift cards to restaurants and local shops are a great way to support small businesses now while still being able to use them later. Buy a membership or renew an expiring membership to your favorite museums, and visit when you feel comfortable. Make your reservations now for fun-filled attractions and experience the fun at a later time.

Cobb Travel & Tourism continues to actively monitor the ongoing news surrounding COVID-19. The safety and health of visitors, hospitality partners, and residents is a top priority. For the most up-to-date information on restaurant and attraction openings, be sure to reach out to the businesses directly. For more ideas of things to do while social distancing, visit

How To Support Tourism In the Wake of COVID-19 – By Holly Quinlan Read More »

Q&A with Cobb Chamber President & CEO Sharon Mason on COVID-19

What are some of the common struggles businesses and companies are experiencing during this time?

The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted many businesses across numerous industries in Cobb, our state, country and world. From the onset of the crisis, small business owners, non-profits and corporate executives have faced lost revenue and the challenge of keeping their lights on. Some businesses have had to adopt new protocol, lay off workers, reduce expenses, work through supply chain challenges, and market themselves in new ways overnight. Now as businesses prepare to reopen, leaders are working to locate thermometers and source PPE, and reconfiguring their work spaces to promote social distancing while welcoming customers and employees. I have seen businesses take a variety of approaches to keeping their employees paid and try to stay in business.

Despite facing such uncertainty and daily challenges, I have been so proud of our community. I have seen leaders stepping up to work together for innovative solutions and new ways to keep people working, to keep serving clients, and to help our neighbors who need it most.

How will the Cobb Chamber Economic Recovery Taskforce help the community and businesses in Cobb County?

Starting with the early days of the crisis, we have continued to hear from businesses about how devastating this has been for them. That is why our 2020 Chamber Chairman John Loud of LOUD Security Systems, our Chair-Elect Britt Fleck of Georgia Power, and I created our Economic Recovery Taskforce to work on both short-term and long-term solutions for rebuilding our economy. The taskforce is comprised of community leaders and business leaders across all sizes and industries especially those most impacted. We have been meeting weekly since this started in March to develop strategic approaches to help businesses move toward recovery.

The taskforce has been instrumental in many initiatives including launching and implementing our weekly business recovery webinars for the last six weeks, gathering input from all types of businesses to determine support needed, finding resources that help businesses navigate handling this crisis, championing advocacy needs for businesses especially for loans and grants, and developing the reopening guidelines to help businesses prepare to safely reopen.

What guidelines and safety precautions should businesses consider before returning to work?

Our Economic Recovery Taskforce has outlined guidelines in partnership with Cobb Douglas Public Health. The guidelines cover how to prepare and protect your work space and your employees, how to protect customers, and how to mitigate the spread of the virus.

The guidelines take into consideration daily health tests, sanitization, reconfiguring the workspace to allow for social distancing, and a number of other recommendations on how their space could be reimagined to be as safe as possible for employees and visitors.These guidelines along with other reopening resources can be found at

How quickly do you think the Cobb County and regional economy will recover? What should businesses expect?

While it is uncertain how long the recovery will take, our SelectCobb team have seen a significant increase in companies looking to relocate to Cobb and our region specifically during the COVID-19 crisis. This is a very positive sign for our recovery. With the crisis impacting companies financially across the globe, many are reconsidering where they can most effectively do business. Georgia has been named by Site Selector Magazine as the number one state to do business seven years in a row due to many factors such as low taxes, low cost of living and our pro-business environment. Cobb has been intentional to be a top place for businesses across industries and have set the stage for continued growth. Having these new companies relocate to Cobb and Georgia will boost our economy.

Also, with businesses starting to open back up, this will help rebuild our economy and that’s why our economic recovery taskforce worked with Cobb & Douglas Public Health to develop the reopening guidelines to mitigate the continued spread of the virus. It will be important that as businesses open back up, that we all support and buy from our local businesses to help them recover.

What are some of the resources that businesses/companies can take advantage of during COVID-19?

The Cobb Chamber has been focused on providing resources, advocacy and support through every step of this crisis. To provide timely resources to businesses and our community, we worked with DynamiX to develop a one-stop resources page at This is update daily with information on the federal stimulus package and other financial resources, business recovery resources, helpful webinars and virtual events, links to job opportunities, reopening guidance, and resources from many partners.

The Chamber also launched Cobb Shops To Go,, giving restaurants and retailers a platform on Facebook to promote their deals and broaden their social media audience and reach.

And, the Chamber continues to provide virtual programming that our business community needs now more than ever. We’ve brought together voices from various industries to share insight into financial recovery, marketing, reopening plans, rewriting business plans, and all aspects of leadership. Our signature monthly event series, Marquee Monday, is taking a virtual format this month. On May 11, our Chairman John Loud is interviewing the top executives from Atlanta’s professional sports teams – the Atlanta Braves, the Atlanta Hawks, the Atlanta Falcons, and Atlanta United – to give us all a boost and a collective rally cry for businesses around the region. All of these programs are free for all to attend and you can register at

How can business or individuals help the community during this time?

As our community moves toward recovery, there are more ways to help local businesses and non-profits. If you’re missing your favorite restaurants, shops, and other service providers, check in with them by phone or social media to determine how to best support them whether in person, to-go orders, or purchasing gift cards to use later.

There are several community funds that support important initiatives that you can support including Operation Meal Plan, Cobb COVID-19 Community Response Fund, and other funds set up to support our schools, healthcare and more.

Operation Meal Plan is a partnership between the Cobb Chamber, Cobb Community Foundation and the Center for Family Resources to keep restaurants afloat while sourcing meals to non-profits providing hunger relief. Businesses and community members can donate to a fund to support the program. To date, Operation Meal Plan has served more than 11,000 meals by 21 participating restaurants to 23 non-profits. The need for this program is growing, so donations are appreciated. You can learn more at

The Cobb Community Foundation has also established the Cobb COVID-19 Community Response Fund as a vehicle to support non-profit organizations serving Cobb as they respond to the spread of the novel coronavirus. Contributions to this fund will be distributed swiftly as needs arise. CCF has intentionally established this fund with flexibility in mind to ensure that these resources may support communities as conditions, circumstances, and needs change throughout this crisis.

For more details on supporting our non-profits, schools, healthcare and more:

What general advice would you give small businesses and companies during this time?

Please know that the Cobb Chamber will continue to be here for you and to help this community overcome. I encourage you to take advantage of the resources we have, lean on the network you have or can create through involvement with the Cobb Chamber, and look for ways to help others.

Q&A with Cobb Chamber President & CEO Sharon Mason on COVID-19 Read More »

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